Saturday, February 5, 2011

What has happen to photography over the years?

How did photography start and who was it for? Photography first started as a way to capture portraits of people more precisely people of wealth since it was expensive to have your photo taken. In the 1850's there was two many ways that photography was done one was employed more for studio work and the other was for outdoors. It was for a limited group of people, they would have to wait and stand for hours to get a photo done. 

Photography over the years has changed a lot from having to spend a day just getting your picture taken to being able to get one anywhere by anyone in a matter of seconds, less your picky and have to do retakes. Photography today has a whole different meaning then what it did back in the 1800's it was a honour to have a portrait for your self or your family. In todays life if you want a family portrait you do not have to go and get a photographer to do it for you. You can simple just grab your digital camera, set it to self timer and have the family line up. You do not even have to go to a printer to have it processed, just plug it in to your computer and a way you go, print it or share it online. Compared to the lengthily process that it took to get a portrait back just a few centuries ago we have move a head a lot. 


From the start of photography to now there has been a lot of changes, technology has made the largest differences and advancements. It was a long process for a photographer to take a portrait and then produce a picture. A photographer would have to take many steps to get from start to finish compared to what they do now. In todays world a photographer takes for the most part the same steps a person with a digital camera does and they can edit it the same way. The advances in technology have made photography and portraits more accessible to the messes which in some way brings down what it meant to have a portrait of you and your family but it allows most if not everyone to have one.