Saturday, April 23, 2011

Discussions Board 11

I think that both types of photojournalism has it place, it is just a case of when do you use each type to get the true story to the viewer. In some case you can get a great photo by just being in the right place at the right time but in other case there is time that you can just not be there, so then getting to know the subject so that you can get a photo that still shows what is going on then what is wrong with that. As for the code of ethics and that a photography should not edit the photos, I can only understand that coming in to play if the photojournalist is edit the photos to the point that they have added or removed a part of the photo then that is wrong, but other wise then it is fine. When the photography is editing a photo so that the viewer can see it the same way he did what is wrong with that, it is the same a writer, writing a news piece so that the read believes the same as what he thinks is what happen but maybe he missed something and it is a completely different story. So it comes down to the same thing as with news you can't always believe what you hear or read and so you can't always believe what you see. Everyone needs to take there own opinion on each subject and also look at what else is going on the same subject, then they can come to a true conclusion of their own.

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