Monday, April 4, 2011

Photo Journal 2 Press versus Art photography

       When you look at a photo whether it be in the press or as art the main reason for the photo being taken was that the photographer found it to be interesting and thought that other people would want to see it. For a photo to make it to press there has to be a reason whether it been a national event like the G20 summit or the earthquake in Japan something has to happen for it to be printed as press. So for most press photo there will be a event the took place for it to be printed but with that same reasoning why are photos that art are taken. For a art photo to be taken something must happen so either a photography ends up at a national event and then turns it in to art or he has an idea and then make an event happen like a photo shoot.


      For this first photo it was taken to be a press photo, it show cases an event, which was the G20 summit and what had happen at it. But what is to say that it cannot be art at the same time, it could easily be printed, framed and turned in to art. I do not see why it would it is not ethical and acceptable to alter a photo for press this one may not be but, could be so that it brings out a part of the photo that the photography wants everyone to see. Therefore, by altering the photo it could explain the store without any words.


       This second photo is of a more resent event, which is the earthquake in Japan. It is a great example of a press photo that show cases the severity of what has happen. Many photos just like this one where all over the news and TV as press photos.  Once again this photo could be either press or art and could be alter or left and both ways could show what the photographer seen and want to capture to show the world.


       This photo is from a resent art exhibit here in Toronto, it was alter in it process before it was printed. I had the chance to speak to the photographer personal and from my understanding his idea behind it was that it is a crazy world and that you need everything with you at all times so why can’t it just be attached to you. It may not be a interesting piece of art or photography for some people but, that does not make it any less art then the next. Nor is it unethical that he changed and altered the original photo. It was his idea and creation to show to the world.


      I found this piece to be very interesting; it too was at the art exhibit here in Toronto. It looked to be that the photographer had blurred out the background a bit so that the person and the plants in front of the person face would be more predominate.  There is nothing that I see to be unethical about doing this., I found it to be a great piece of art and it show cased what the photographer wanted everyone to see.

      The discussion of whether it is ethical and acceptable to alter art and press photo does not need to be had. There is not reason why a photographer should not be able to alter his or her work so that everyone that looks at it see what they saw.


1. Sam Javanrouh 
"[daily Dose of Imagery] G20 Scenes." [daily Dose of Imagery]. Web. 04 Apr. 2011. <>.
2. Junko Kimura
3. Patrick Lightheart
Snap! Toronto 2011. Web. 04 Apr. 2011. <>.
4. Jin Young Kim
Snap! Toronto 2011. Web. 04 Apr. 2011. <>.

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