Saturday, April 23, 2011

Photo Manipulation

When I found out that as a part of this photography class we would have to take some photos and edit them I was more then excited. This happens to be one my favour things to do some times you don’t have to do much to a photo and other you can go crazy with. I took all the photos that are in the writing throughout the year.

This first photo is one I took while I was baking around Christmas time, it has a long story behind it but basically the two cookies stuck together and it look cute so I took a picture of it.  This is the unedited copy of the photo.

With this photo I edited it to be a fun and kind of crazy version of it. I used Photoshop to edit the photo and I used the filter options to change this one. I first cut out the two cookies and put them on a different layer so that they could pop out from the photo even more. Then I did a Sprayed Stroke filter on the background and then did a bas Relief filter which drastically changed the background.

This next photo I took while in Toberymory, Ontario I was sitting by the water and seen this butterfly fluttering around and then it finally landed. I managed to get close to it so that I could get a photo.


With this photo I was trying to get to butterfly to pop out of the photo a little more and look like it was flying while the photo was taken. I first cut out the butterfly and put it on another layer so that it wouldn’t be affected by the changes. Then I did a motion blur with -220 and a distance of 45 pixels. At first I liked the look but then I continued to play with the picture and then I ended up with this next one.

With this photo I again cut out the butterfly and put it on another layer but this time I also cut out the plant that was in background. For this photo I did filters on the background, the first filter I did was a Smudge Stick and then I did a Dry Brush filter to get the final look that I think looks the best. It allows the picture to keep it integrity while letting the view focus on the butterfly and partly on the plant in the background.

This next photo was also taken in Toberymory, from the same area as the butterfly one. It was a little later in the day as the sun started to set, there a boat out in the water that was passing by. The sunset that night was one of the best the whole weekend this is the unedited version.

I found when I looked at the photo on my computer after it did not show what I seen there in person. So when I started editing my intent was to bring the photo back to life and showcase what I seen when I was there. I did a bunch of changes on the photo playing with different setting and nothing seem to work. Then I changed the hue to 50% and the intensity of the sunset was back. I was a simple fix and didn’t need a lot of editing or to be changed to much. I think the photo looks just like it did in real life when I was there I hope everyone can see how beautifully it really was.

For my final photo I took it while at Toronto Pride there was an artist doing chalk art at different intersection along the main road. After I took the photo I never thought that I show the true meaning of what the artist was writing so when I was doing this project I thought it was a perfect time to try and show it off some more. This is the unedited version f the photo.

When I edited this photo I wanted to be a crazy photo to show off what the writing the artist was putting on the street really was about. Which is that pride is about having fun and being proud of who you are. I did a simple filter on this photo but then played with the option of the filter to get it to come out how I wanted. I did a Glowing Edge filter, and then I changed the edge width to a number 2, the brightness to a number 10 and the smoothness to a number 6. This allowed the wording in the photo to still be seen but let the photo have a more unique look to it.

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