Sunday, April 24, 2011

Virtual essay

The photos I used I found online from a photographer that is based in Toronto,Ontario his name is Jeremy Benning. I find his work to have a lot of similarities with a more famous photographer named Mike Ruiz who is based out of New York City, New York. Mike Ruiz was born in Montreal where he first started his career as a model and then on Christmas got a camera as one of his gifts and the rest is history. I believe that his Mike Ruiz was a model first it gives him a different look in to how to be a photographer which is where the differences come from between him and Jeremy.

Jeremy on the other hand was born in Toronto and from a young age always wanted to be a photographer, he was first inspired by his parent’s National Geographic magazine. This had him wanting to be a photojournalist traveling the world being news to everyone. He has been a part of many different areas in his field including commercials, art gallery work and much more.

I find both Jeremy and Mike work to be inspiring myself and also find it to have a lot in common. Both photographers have a way of bring forth the models in the picture but allowing the background to still be in tacked. Unlike some photographers that would take the pictures and then edit them to blur out the background since the way the photo was taken you eye did not first go to the model. Jeremy and Mike seem to understand how to take a photo so that you are first drawn to the model and then to the background which supports the model and image as a whole.

The other similarities I find these two photographers have in common are the them both can take a simple black and white photo and still make it pop. They seem to understand how to use the clothing the models are wearing and the background so that no matter which is light or dark it shows very well in the end.

The main differences I found with these two photographers are that sine Jeremy only has been on the one side of the camera it is harder for him to portray to the model how he would like the image to come out at the end. But with Mike since he first started as a model he understands what the model is going through and can get his point across better.

In the end both the differences and similarities of Jeremy and Mike make them who they are. Since Jeremy has been doing it for a lot less time the Mike has that can also be where their differences come from. It is great to see that a young photographer like Jeremy has been able to make his way in the photography industry and his is a inspiration to many youth today. As Mike he is also an inspiration to many young model and photographers, which want to go as far as him. Anyone wanting to get in to photographer should follower photographers like these two and maybe one day some one will be writing about them.         

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